flood clean up services in Salem, Utah

Do you remember the last time you had the carpets in your home professionally cleaned? How about the last time pro business disinfectant services were performed for your business? Do you know what to do if your home or business floods? Don’t worry—if you’re like a lot of folks in Salem, Utah, the answer is no. We tend to overlook our carpets, and if we’re business owners we might think our new COVID sanitation schedule is up to snuff. Most people never think ahead about actions to take in a flood and are often stuck scrambling when it does occur.

Winter months can be tough in Utah. There’s an increased risk of flooding from the rain (and snow melt in the spring). We’re trudging in more muck than usual and scraping it across our carpets, but with so much going on during the holidays it’s easy to put off professional carpet cleaning for a little longer. Pristine Carpet Cleaning in Salem, Utah is here to help with all of your carpet, business sanitation, and flood cleanup needs.

Salem, Utah Carpet Cleaning

Whether you have carpet in your home, business, or both, for some reason this flooring is especially easy to overlook. Vacuuming is all most people do to consider it clean—even though we know better. Vacuuming is exclusively a surface clean. It’s for aesthetics, and while it makes carpet look nice and helps us feel cleaner, deep down we know that isn’t the case. The real dirt, grime, pollutants, insects, dandruff, and insect eggs aren’t removed with a vacuum no matter how powerful it is.

If you can’t recall the last time your carpets were professionally cleaned and shampooed, you’re not alone. This is a big job that requires special equipment and a lot of hard labor. Most people simply aren’t up for the task. We understand, and that’s why Pristine Carpet Cleaning near Salem offers fast and effective carpet cleaning services for homes and businesses.

Staying Safe in Salem, UT with Business Disinfectant Services

For business owners, the new sanitation regulations during the pandemic can be tough to keep up with. Small business owners simply don’t have the staff or time to keep pace—but of course you want to make sure everyone who enters your business is safe. Our business disinfectant services can be scheduled just once or at any recurring schedule that you wish. We’ll work with you to determine a plan and schedule that fits your needs.

And about those future floods? The majority of people don’t have the knowledge or tools for a safe and comprehensive flood cleanup—but we do. Flooding can occur year-round, and keeping Pristine Carpet Cleaning’s number in your phone is the best way to get instant peace of mind. Turn off the water source first if you can, and then immediately give us a call. Quick action is the key to fast and easy flood cleanup that minimizes damage and saves as many of your items as possible.